Saturday, October 11, 2003

1. Attended an interesting talk by Vernon Robbins, a professor of comparative sacred text studies in Emory University. His research is on comparing the New Testament's 4-Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the Qoran. Among all, he compared the number of referrals to Jesus in Gospels and that to Mohammad in the Qoran. He found that the Gospels refer to Jesus more than 900 times, while the Qoran only refers to Mohammad 4 times. He concluded that Christian Bible is Jesus-centric, while the Qoran is not Mohammad-centric, but Allah-centric. That's is also, as he asserted, why a Jesus follower is called Christian, whereas Mohammad's follower is not called Mohammadian. Hm, I found his research less convincing. He just counted the number of appeareance of the names. He didn't consider pronouns. What if the Gospels mainly use third-person narratives, and the Qoran second-person?

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