Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why of why Kompas editor is so careless: "Why is the concept of trade-off so damn difficult?" and "Subsidy can be a sin, but yes, we need it" - departments

First, Fadjroel argues that the government should provide BLT and/but BBM price should not be increased. Next, he says BLT is the right of the poor, because it comes from the cut of BBM subsidy. So basically he says: cut the subsidy, but don't increase the BBM price. How convenient.

Fadjroel argues that students should refuse BKM because he thinks it's a sin to receive money from the government and that it would damage students' morale. What about the public education subsidy they have been enjoying so far, Fadjroel?


Anonymous said...

Fadjroel yang nggak ambil kelas macro yang pakai mikro-nya Pak Atjo kali ya waktu kuliah di Ekonomi UI.

Muhamad Muhyin said...

mr Patunru, adakah sikap atau pemikiran anda yang mencerminkan sisi akademis seorang ilmuwan, selain tentunya karena, yang duduk di "lapangan banteng" sana adalah orang UI..?