Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Horray, we're exporting. Hopefully someone out there is generous enough to import from us

That's now the tone of rice business ("Ekspor Beras Mulai Juli 2009", Kompas, 24/12/2008). As reported, the country would export rice by July 2009. Rice import has been a sin in Indonesia (albeit 100 years of doing it). But now the country is hoping that other countries commit that very sin, ie importing from us.

And not only that, the farmers association HKTI also wants the importing countries to be stupid: Siswono Yudohusodo said exported rice should be of the lower quality, or the leftover stock from the previous years, as the "newly harvested, good quality" ones are for domestic consumption. Good luck with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Setuju, Co! Ini yang bego yang mana ya? Hebat banget menjelang Pemilu 2009 kabarnya Indonesia berhasil berswasembada beras seperti pada tahun 1984. Padahal, kelebihan stok beras bukan juga berarti kita harus ekspor. Barangkali kita harus cermati masalah distribusi dan trasnportasi antar pulau yang masih jelek sehingga masih ada sebagian saudara kita yang ngga kebagia beras hingga harga bersanya melambung tinggi.