Monday, March 17, 2008

FB's take on BI's brouhaha

Faisal Basri's Kompas column today is interesting.

According to FB, the source of controversy is SBY's clear preference toward Agus Martowardoyo (AM) and hence Raden Pardede (RP) was just a "pelengkap penderita" (maybe "background dancer" is a good analogy). I think FB was right.

Next, FB said that ideally BI should just focus on monetary issues. Can't agree more.

FB also said BI governor should be eloquent in explaining economic dynamics to market agents in a laymen language. And he or she should be able to explain them himself/herself to DPR members. Implicitly according to FB, it would be weird if the governor always delegated hearing with DPR to his/her senior deputy. I don't quite understand this. What's the problem if such task is delegated? I agree that the governor should master the monetary and banking theories but that does not mean he or she should always entertain the DPR in person. That's why he/she has deputies.

As for the rest of the article, I'm not sure if I understand well enough. FB mentioned about "nilai-nilai" or values that the new governor should have. There was a notion about good, commendable "track record", strong personality, etc. Not really clear to me what that all means.


Arya Gaduh said...

"Implicitly according to FB, it would be weird if the governor always delegated hearing with DPR to his/her senior deputy."

I think the operative word here is "always".

Aco said...

Yes, I guess so. Thanks.