Thursday, November 01, 2007

Funniest joke ever

Here (Make sure to buy the print issue also. It has a great picture -- with Amien Rais, Akbar Tanjung, and many others in it. Hurry! -- It might become the most important historical picture someday!)

According to Rizal Ramli, there are 3 things responsible for Indonesia's lagging behind Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, and China in terms of GDP per capita. They are: 1) feudal government, 2) neocolonialism, and 3) weak and ineffective government.

Ehm, if my memory serves well, Rizal Ramli was part of the government, no?


Anonymous said...

Setuju Daeng Aco, bahkan di salah satu koran anak perusahaan koran yang tulisannya sering anda kritik ini, Wiranto menyindir SBY dengan mengatakan bahwa politikus jangan jadi penyanyi. Sindiran ini terkait dengan peluncuran album lagu-lagu ciptaan SBY yang tidak dinyanyikan beliau sendiri. Wiranto rupanya lupa bahwa dia sendiri pernah bikin album lagu yang justru dia sendiri menjadi penyanyinya sendiri ketika masih jadi Panglima ABRI. Memang, banyak orang di negeri ini yang mengalami sakit ingatan, dan ini tidak hanya saja lucu, tapi memang sudah kebangetan sakitnya heu...heu...heu...

Aco said...

Ah, Wiranto is another one in that picture! Yes, thank you for reminding me.

a.p. said...

Not only RR. Some other people who attended the 'declaration' were also part of the then government. That makes them criticize... themselves?

Fik said...

What's interesting is how they say a lot about everything they believe to be wrong, without really showing what they plan to do about it, beyond the incessant and unclear rhetoric.